David is a 1967 graduate of Johnson University and married Sharran a week after graduation. His first ministry was in starting a new congregation in Asheboro, North Carolina. His second ministry was with Falls Mills Christian Church in Falls Mills, Virginia. He resigned from that ministry in 1975 to join the newly formed Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) and enter linguistic training with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the University of Texas at Arlington, Texas. After completing three semesters of postgraduate studies, three months of survival training, and raising the needed support, they went to begin their translation ministry in Papua New Guinea. David was appointed by the PBT Board to establish PBT’s first branch. Along with completing all the requirements for formally establishing PBT with the government and all that was necessary to establish the branch headquarters and organizational structure, he allocated his family in the Kire language group to begin their translation ministry. They served in Papua New Guinea for twenty-three years. He began serving MHCC as Associate Minister in 2002 as well as continuing to serve in different roles with PBT. He has served with MHCC for twenty-two years.
Contact: david@morrisonhill.com