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Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, he left us

The Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20) We took

that and created these four priorities. The following are

the lenses through which every decision is made at MHCC.

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Jesus clearly wants people "from every tribe and tongue and people and nation" to follow Him, but according to The Joshua Project, roughly 7,000 distinct people groups--3 billion people--still do not have a Bible in their language or Christian's serving them. This is why we support missionaries from all over the world. This is also why we reach out here in Roane County. All people are made in God's image. All of us are broken and twisted by sin but able to be rescued and transformed by Jesus Christ--no matter how we identify ourselves or how others label or group us before we choose to follow Him. This is also why we often join forces with like-minded churches in our community and beyond. For more info on missionaries MHCC supports click here.


We reach out to and welcome people from all generations and all cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We mourn the tragic fact that Sunday mornings remain the most segregated hours in modern America, and we refuse to tolerate racism or prejudice in any form. You will not be treated differently here because of your appearance or background. We are actively trying to learn, grow, and fix any problems we are not aware of, and we want to serve and reach more people than ever! Our goal is to serve our entire community in love--and to welcome and disciple everyone God leads here.


The scriptures are clear that our journey with Jesus begins with repentance, confession, and baptism--but this is only the beginning! We want to help deepen your relationship with Jesus every single day, and we have taken many steps to empower you to do so. In addition to our weekly Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening programming, we offer a large variety of small groups. We believe with everything in us that these small groups is where real change happens, and we all but require every member our body to join one. At MHCC, we have enabled our body to hold itself accountable. This is how we will all grow to become more like Jesus.   


Life is not meant to be lived alone. Most people know this is true, but far too many still try to live with no deep connections. MHCC considers this to be unacceptable. We know God can meet you in your loneliness in beautiful ways, but we want our entire body to see each other for what we really are: family. We are not perfect, but we hold each other to a high standard as the children of God. We cultivate honest and accountable connections between our brothers and sisters in Christ for two key reasons: First, these connections help us to truly connect with our Father. Second, spiritual transformation happens best in healthy, committed, honest relationships.

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