Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1
The Israelites were to meditate on the law “day and night.” This kept God in their
thoughts and gave them strength and stability—like a tree that bears fruit!
Psalm 119
Meditating on God’s character and values transforms us into people who value what He values. Over the course of this “love song about God’s law,” David meditates on God’s precepts, ways, decrees, wonders, law, and statutes. We should, too.
Psalm 143:5 and 145:5
David also specifically meditated on God’s promises and “wonderful works.” Try it.
Genesis 24, especially v. 63, Acts 10
Meditation was a “given” to the patriarchs and early believers—it’s just part of the story here. Interestingly, Rebekah (God’s answer to Isaac’s prayers for a wife) arrived at a moment when he was out meditating. Similarly, Peter saw a vision that changed his life while meditating—and so did Cornelius, the Gentile man God wanted to send Peter to help.
Psalm 39
Meditating on certain sins or issues can result in intense experiences, revelations, and life changes. Here, David began meditating on keeping his tongue from sin and ended up having a very tangible, intimate encounter with God.
Group Idea
Meditate on James 3:1-12 and write down, discuss, and apply all you discover or remember in the process. This could be used in a normal “class” situation, on a retreat, or as “homework,” but make sure you do a lot more with the concepts in this passage than just fill in blanks. For example, pray that God will show you specific ways you misuse your tongues in a group and has an individual—and then repent accordingly.
Individual Ideas
Do the same thing on your own, then share and apply whatever you experience. Again, be prepared...God loves to answer these kind of prayers!
Take any one passage in the Bible and read it over and over. Write down any ideas that come to mind and act on the insight you get.
Focus on an issue you struggle with. Pray about it, asking God to help you understand His perspective. Ask Him what He wants you to do about it, and do whatever you feel He leads you to do. Sow carefully and prayerfully, and you won’t believe what you’ll reap!
Memorize a scripture passage on _____ and reread it daily for a month, praying each time that God will help you live the truth in that passage.
Pray for someone by name, asking God to bear specific spiritual fruit (e.g., “Lord, teach Jacob to love like Jesus loves. Give Him Your joy, today, and a strong sense of peace, no matter what happens. Help him be kind to everyone he sees…”).
Take some time, a tasty beverage, some paper, and a writing instrument, and go off
by yourself for a while. At the top of a page, write out James 1:17. Then write down everything good you can think of that is good in your life. (Of course, God can handle you bringing your pain, anger, sin, etc., to Him—but this is not the time. JUST write down the good stuff—anything that you enjoy, like, are thankful for, want more of…) When you’re done, spend some time thanking God for your blessings.
Is there some ongoing habit you need to break or something you know God has
wanted you to do for a long time? Take your Bible, a tasty beverage, something to write with, and go off alone for a while. Thank Him for His patience, and confess whatever sin might be involved. Ask Him to speak to You about how you can start acting on what He wants you to do (or stop doing). Write down what comes into your head, and then go DO it.
Make a list (mentally or literally) of all the ways God has been faithful to you. If you feel like He’s been (or is being) unfaithful, confess that and ask Him to open your eyes to what He is doing. Ask Him to reveal ways that you have been faithful and unfaithful. For any or all of these options, make sure you spend some time listening, and write down what you hear. Ask questions about what you write down, and listen again. Repeat as needed.